Now featuring spell IDs to support non-English clients.
This is a work in progress. Check back frequently for updates, especially early in the season.
Puts a combination of red and orange glow effects on party/ raid frames to quickly draw a healer's attention to priority damage targets.
-A red glow indicates a player is going to take damage from some debuff. Typically ignores un-dispellable AOE damage.
-An orange glow usually indicates some kind of dangerous debuff like slow, stun, sleep, disorient, mortal strike, armor reduction, damage amplification, fixate and maybe more.
AFAIK it is compatible with default UI, ElvUI, VuhDo, Healbot, and Cell. Designed for default UI with raid-style party frames.
If you don't like the colors or want to change something I suggest making a copy and then customizing it. |