


Drood UI - SoD

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-2 07:15:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
UI for Druid
SR Clip helper - Bleeds and Mangle Tracker - Tiger's fury reminder - Bear Rotation helper

All regular classic stuff is implemented and the Mangle and Sunfire runes. I'm not sure if the spell IDs for the runes are correct so update will come when SoD comes out.

The Bear Rotation helper is basically: Keep FF and Demo Roar up (Checks for Shout too), Mangle on CD, Swipe when Mangle is on CD and Maul when you got more than 60 rage. There's also a swing timer in the rage bar.

The Savage roar WA is a clip helper from WOTLK - https://wago.io/SsjxV45cW. It will surely need adjustment in the future since the values are for ICC atm. Feel free to play around with it in custom options.

The WA keeping track of the cooldowns is from here https://wago.io/uq3qg3eWb, just remade it to icons instead of progress bars. It has some Lua alerts but seems to work fine when just using the custom options Player and Equipped.

CP WA - https://wago.io/ftVQvXC8a
Hide default cast bar WA - https://wago.io/vrADoIkLX
Mana bar WA - https://wago.io/w-YDM0_Gd

Runes for Resto and Balance will not be implemented, but it's very easy to add yourself just using this WA as a base.
More runes for feral will be implemented in the future aswell with powershifting if that is still a thing.

You need OmniCC - No timers are in the WA!

All feedback is much welcome!

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