Aev - Raid Pack
Raid Buff Tracker & Other Additions.*Use the Custom Options Tab to set your Paladin Buffs.
=== Features ===
--- Pre-Pot Timer ---
/pull Pre-Pot countdown for DBM/BigWigs
--- Raid Buffs ---
[Global] Shows missing global raid-wide buffs useful to your class. (*AI ignores non-mana classes.)
[Global] Flask/Food buff tracker
[Mage] FM Tracker for Self/Other
[Mage] Molten Armor Tracker
[Hunter] Pet's Well Fed buff
=== To Do ===
--- Buff Tracker ---
- Improve Paladin buff tracking.
- Display buffs you can apply.
- Track refresh duration. (~5mins left)
- Add more personal class buffs.
--- Additions ---
- N/A