My WA pack for shadow priest
I use quartz as cast bar, you can see how suggestions look with quartz
- Shows remaining dot time
- Dots start glowing when they're about to drop off
- Crossed Mind Blast when it's more efficient to just spam MF
- SWP has built in snapshot tracker(only shows when dot is stronger, doesn't take into account duration, the decision is still on you to make)
Vampiric touch recast timer (
Trinket procs (optional)
Mind Flay tick sound
- This one has custom sound (you can download it here ) and put it into this folder classic\Interface\AddOns\WA Custom
- If you want to change sound, you can go to Conditions > Condition#1
Mind Sear tick sound (optional)
Mind Flay suggestions (
- Tells you when you need to recast VT,DP or MB after 2 or 3 ticks of MF
- MF2 is for 2 ticks
- MF3 is for 3 ticks
- Move these 2 around the screen to adjust to your cast bar
Shows when your warlocks and mages are slacking with 5% crit debuff (optional)
Clickable SWP frame (optional)
- On click Casts Mind Flay on your focus without changing your target
- Works on specific encounters(currently twin valks, target dummies and iron council)
- Glows yellow and red when SWP is about to drop, numbers can be adjusted in Conditions, just remember that with huge haste it can drop when having 3 seconds left
- Group to remind about swapping glyphs on specific encounters like dispersion when entering Algalon room
Shadowfiend progress (optional)
Shadow Priest Fake Queue ( - allows to queue spells into MF2 and MF3
MF Clip delay (
- Loads only when not in group
- Shows delays between MF ticks + statistics
- Basically a rotation practice tool