This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal ExceptionProgram: D 2 WowexeException:0xC0000005 (ACCESS WIOLATON) at 0023:0071AACE The instruction at "0x0071AACE" referenced memory at "0x3B147150The memory could not be "read". Press Ok to terminate the application. This application has encountered a critical error:ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal ExceptionProgram: D 2 WowexeException:0xC0000005 (ACCESS WIOLATON) at 0023:0071AACE
The instruction at "0x0071AACE" referenced memory at "0x3B147150The memory could not be "read".
Press Ok to terminate the application. 11111111111 fsgs gdfhdf hhghgd gfhgfhfgjfg weqeq erytry tryrtytr