


A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity Inspector

 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-29 07:10:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This WA inspects your target to see if their gear passes for the Dedicated Insanity achievement.


Target a player and the WA will automatically inspect them if you're within range. If you're using an addon that already auto-inspects such as TacoTip then it's recommended to go into Custom Options of this WA to disable the auto-inspect. Wait a few seconds before switching targets, if you switch too often then Blizzard throttles the inspect function.



That link has an old blue post which lists what items are allowed. The list is very convoluted with some 245 items being okay and other 245 items being banned, and what's even worse is some of the items listed in that blue post are broken on WotLK Classic and fail the achievement. Therefore I went over logs of people that had gotten the achievement and this is what I've come up with so far:

Whitelisted Items - Confirmed to be working.

  • Any item that is under 245.
  • Any item that drops from TotC10, including the 258 cloaks from 50/50 chest.
  • 245 T9 set pieces.
  • 245 Ulduar10 HM weapons.
  • 245 Relentless Honor Point offpieces.

Greylisted Items - These should work but haven't been seen in a successful Dedicated Insanity log, use at your own risk.

  • 245 Triumph Badge items (excluding T9 set pieces).
  • 245 Crafted Items.
  • 245 Relentless Arena Point items.
  • 245 TotC25 BoEs

Blacklisted Items - These will fail your run.

  • Any item that is above 245 (excluding the 258 cloaks from TotC10 chest)
  • Any 245 item that wasn't listed above (TotC25 BoP, Ony25, Ony Head quest reward, etc).

If anyone has more up to date information or notices an error with the WA then feel free to share in the comments.

28/Jul/2023 update: I've seen a crafted 245 item in a successful Dedicated Insanity run after this weeks maintenance. I'm keeping them on the Greylist for now until more logs show up, but looks like Blizzard may have pushed out a fix.

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