Augmentation Buff Timer + Frame Glow (MRT/ERT)
Augmentation Evoker Buff Timers for RaidIf anything is broken, message me on discord @zephyxx
- Combat timer for encounters
- Fully customizable timer notifications, made in a Google Sheet and imported via your MRT/ERT Note
- Large custom sound library
1. Close WoW
2. Download the custom sound pack file
3. Put the file in your …/World of Warcraft/_retail/Interface folder
4. Extract the file’s contents (Check picture for example)
5. Delete the file after extracting
6. Launch WoW & import the weakaura
7. Configure the “Custom Options” tab on the WeakAura to your preferences!
MRT Note:
This WeakAura can pull values from both your currently "Pushed" note & your "Personal" note.
There can be multiple "AugBuff" sections in your note at once. The WeakAura will check each section for the "aug " to determine if it's applicable to a player. This way, buffs can be coordinated for multiple augvokers in the same group.
Use this Google Sheet to set up your timers. Make a copy to receive an editable version.
If you're familiar with Viserio's healing sheets, it will basically operate the same way.
-- Link to Google Sheet --
-- Video walking through the setup --
There's instructions & an example in the Sheet.
Q) How do I change or modify the sounds so I don't have to use the sound pack?
All sounds come from the “Combat Timer” WeakAura (1st one in the group). Click on that WeakAura and go to the “Conditions” tab. The two conditions there play the sounds. You can change "Run Custom Code" to "Sound" and then select whatever you want.
Q) How do I customize the unit frame glows?
Unit frame glows are handled by the “Frame Glows” WeakAura. Click on that WeakAura and go to the “Actions” tab. You’ll find all of the settings under the existing “Glow External Element” stuff.
Q) Can I have a separate configuration based on each fight?
Yep! Just duplicate any of the WeakAuras and set up load conditions based on the “Encounter ID”.