WA发布 发表于 2023-7-17 06:35:00

MF Clip Suggestion [Villms Edit]

Display icons for Vampiric Touch, Devouring Plague when the debuffs will be gone at the second tick of Mind Flay. Mind Blast and SW: Death optional as custom options. Mind Blast will hide (even when selected) if haste is high enough to lose DPS by casting it.

This will show if it is worth clipping after the 2nd tick.

Display conditions:
- remaining time on VT < VT cast time + MF2 tick
- remaining time on DP < MF2 tick
- remaining time on MB cooldown < MF2 tick

Custom option to extend the window after MF2

Check out TheDude's other WeakAuras: https://wago.io/p/The%20Dude
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