


Anub'arak Leeching Swarm - Anti-Panic Healing Helper

 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-3 05:00:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Highlights players that need healing during the last phase of Anub'arak (Leeching Swarm Debuff) based on expected tick damage

Also takes Penetrating cold and Acid-Drenched Mandibles Debuff into account

Yellow = Member needs healing soon (3-4 seconds)
Red = Member needs immediate healing (player is about to die)

Also adds a unique number to each Penetrating Cold target. Under custom options you can add show/hide them or highlight specific ones in a different color.  

Make sure to not have overlapping/interfering weakaraus active (i.e. weakauras that also create a glow effect during this stage of the fight!)

Note: The red background of raid members suffering from penetrating cold stems from (my personal) vuhdo settings. The weakaura only applies a border glow (+ number for penetrating cold targets).

Since the incoming damage during the last phase of the Anub'arak fight is somehow predictable, this weakaura will try to calculate the damage ticks for each raid member and will only highlight those, which are about to drop below a certain HP threshold. This threshold can be defined by you under "Custom Options" (Default: 750 HP).
It also takes the Penetrating Cold and Acid-Drenched Mandibles debuffs into account. If a raid member is under the affect of those the HP threshold for the aura to trigger will be increased accordingly. In order to take those buffs into account, the player can set damage values under custom option (by default: 6000 HP for Penetrating ColdM 1200 per Stack for Acid-Drenched Mandibles - For the latter the aura will take automatically tack stack count into account). Of course one could do some calculations based on combat log events but I doubt this would provide huge benefits since the "worst-case scenario" should always be considered + it would heavily increase computing time. For that reason I went with the wowhead values (without taking resistances into account) for both debuffs as default. If you feel the need you can adjust them.

You can also exclude tanks from the weakaura or set add an HP buffer thus the aura triggers early (to take meele hits of Anub'arak and the Burrowers into account). The average hit of a nerubian burrower is about 5000 HP. Since an Off-Tank usually tanks two burrowers I set the additional threshold for tanks to 10000HP (if the setting (option 2 under "HOW SHALL TANKS BE TREATED) is activated). This means an Off-Tank who tanks 2 burrowers + is under the affect of Penetrating Cold needs -> 6k (Pen Cold Debuff) + 10k (additonal HP Threshold for tanks) needs at least 22858 HP to survive. The aura will take that into account and warn the player if the HP of the Tank drops below that level within the next (few) ticks of leeching swarm.

Aura also attaches a unique number to each Penetrating Cold target (based on their position in the raid) and under custom options you can select to only show specific targets (e.g. Target 1 & 3).

How the Aura works:
The aura calculates the damage of the next leeching swarm tick and adds the damage of the penetrating cold + acid-drenched mandibles debuffs. If your HP is about to drop below a certain threshold (default: 750 HP) after that tick the aura will trigger and the player will be highlighted.
If the raid member HP is above 0 HP -> Player needs heal in the next 3-4 sec -> Glow will be yellow
If the raid member HP is below 0 HP -> player is about to die) -> Glow will be red
Raid members not highlighted by the weakaura (except tanks) can be ignored.

Several variables can be accessed under "conditions" and "display", like
1. Calculated damage of the next tick
2. Calculated HP after next tick
3. Will the HP drop below the pre-defined threshold?
4. Does a raid member have Penetrating Cold?
5. Does a raid member have Acid-Drenched Mandibles?
6. Is the unit the player himself?

These can be used to create your own condition trigger, e.g. change the text color if the unit has a acid-drenched mandibles debuff or for text output.

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