The main principle of this UI is that you know how to handle rotation and spells based on watching runes and will mainly focus on cooldowns. I strongly believe that playing by mainly looking at runes will make you a better DK player. It only takes a few practices on dummies to get use to it and is worth the investiment imho.
All spec and racials included.
Runes are based on Ipse weekaura with a reskin to fit my UI. Rune Grace is displayed.
Runic Power
Runic Power is splitted in small blocks. When filling, the Runic Power is greyed in a block. Once the block is filled, it is highlighted with a blue Runic Power bar to help you quickly understand if you can use a spell and how many. Blocks value are the following:
- 20 in Blood because your RP spenders are Rune Strike (20), AMS (20), IF (20) and Death Pact (40).
- 32 in Frost because your only RP spender is Frost Strike (32).
- 40 in Unholy because your only RP spender is Death Coil (40).
Defensives, Enemy Swing Timer & Presence
Those weakauras are designed around my Player Unitframe and might not be great design without it. Feel free to move them around or download my ElvUI profile, link down below.
My nickname is React and I main Blood/Frost DK in < Hybrid Step > on Sulfuron EU-FR.
I also play 3 alts DK as Frost and Unholy.
I am really looking forward to any feedbacks for bugs or improvements you want to see in this UI.
Hit me up in the comments or on discord React#6053.
I'll be maintaining it throughout WOTLK.
Frost procs custom textures: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10on1ZiTVRSabtYsdYDSGC5DhjSAR1Jpq/view?usp=sharing
Unzip into your Addons folder as if it were an addon named Custom
Rune Strike swing timer requires SwingTimerAPI by Ralgathor to function: https://wago.io/wrUDyiQzS
Want more?
My ElvUI profile: https://wago.io/5pI5WU-UF
My Plater profile: https://wago.io/4trmH9oMt
Please note that this UI is designed to work best at level 80 and might be updated a lot in the first weeks of WOTLK due to usage testing. |