Ротация РПаладин by ImbaWay (3.3.5)
Hi all! Many people have the impression that it is very easy to play with retripaladin.Yes, this is true, but still, most people have problems with the rotation of the skills of this class.
UPDATE v. 1.0.2
- The aura only works if you are a Retri Paladin.
- Aura works if you have enabled the DPS role.
- Aura works if you have more than 100 mana.
- Rotation update according to the first phase of WOTLK classic 3.4.0 based on verified logs for players of 95-100% level.
I present to you a way to make life easier for yourself and the gameplay for this class.
This vikaura works to keep track of the main skills, and prioritizes their use.
If you follow the recommendations and the order of using skills, then you will forget about the problems associated with causing damage.
- This aura is for all types of damage (AoE & Solo Target)
- Highlights and indicates the moment of instant use of exorcism.
Important information:
- By setting this aura, you will not be in the first lines of the recount if you have problems with your gear.
- This aura helps in rotation in full compliance with its recommendations.
Thank you for your attention! I hope I helped you a lot my dear friend!