Mage - All Three Specs
WA does not show regular keybinds or standard CDs since my actionbars are centrally located and do that already. Only tracks the things you'd have to watch buffs/debuffs, nameplates, or procs for and puts them all in right under your feet in a standard, condensed format I use across characters.
Spec specifics:
- Arcane's mana bar will show spell costs during casts opposite the timer.
- Fire will show every target with living bomb active, along with the damage of Ignite per tick (on your selected target only, multi-dot/LB dot tracking is rough cause the timing is variable).
- Frost will show the amount of absorb left on Ice Barrier (WIP). Tracks blizzard damage per tick across all targets hit.
Shamelessly pulls good ideas from some other WAs on here, mainly Fojji and a spell cost WA I don't remember the name of. |