WA发布 发表于 2023-6-18 12:30:01

Moriti Rogue Dragonflight

The bar above your energy is slice and dice, it turns red in pandemic, yellow when outlaw grand melee is active.

I use a lot of glows and colors so here is the best i can do at a brief explanation of some of the important ones:

Green dot indicates a bleed is empowered/exsanguinated
On-use trinket glows off CD
Tea glows under 50 energy

RTB (the rectangle one)
- pink glow + border when loaded dice is active
- when playing audacity build it glows big white when you should reroll and small white when it is on CD but youll want to roll as soon as it comes off - these based on current (Jan9th) priorities

Blade Flurry
- will glow and make a sound when more than 2 targets are in range and BF is not active
- will glow red/pink when BF is both active and off CD
- border around the icon will turn white with a black pixel glow if BF is active and there are mobs near you but not in range of attacks and you are not already hitting 8 mobs (target cap)

Between the Eyes:
- will glow bright white when you should press
- will have a light aqua glow when off cd but the debuff is on the target and you have GSW buff already

Pistol Shot (buckle in):
- pink number is how many FTH stacks you have
- pink glow is when you have 5+ stacks of FTH
- very light white glow is when you have opportunity procs (less that 5) but you can press ambush with audacity subterfuge or dance
- Orange glow means GSW buff is up
- Red glow means GSW is about to run out

Dance and vanish will glow when you are supposed to press them in the audacity build - aka with no audacity or opportunity procs

If you have questions feel free to ask
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