WA发布 发表于 2023-6-12 11:21:21

Baranor's Consumable Reminders

A reminder to use your consumables.

Includes tracking for:

Blessing of Might
Buff food (Blessed Sunfruit / Smoked Desert Dumplings)

Agility - Elixir of the Mongoose / Elixir of Agility
Strength - Juju Power / Elixir of Giants
Spell Power - Greater Arcane Elixir / Arcane Elixir
Attack Power - Juju Might / Winterfall Firewater

Blasted Lands buffs - R.O.I.D.S. / Ground Scorpok Assay
Dragonbreath Chilli
Temporary weapon enchant - Elemental Sharpening Stone
Major Mana Potion & Demonic Rune

The mana potion & Demonic Rune auras specifically make sure you wouldn't go over 100% mana by using them before it reminds you.
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