Royalt's Wizard Oil Multistatus Button
A fork of vertx66's "Apply Brilliant Wizard Oil" but with 4 different button states:Click the button to apply the Brilliant Wizard Oil to your currently equipped weapon.
1) When no Brilliant Wizard Oil is in your bags the button appears in greyscale.
2) When you have Oil in your bags and are not in and instance or bg and oil is not applied to your weapon the button appears like normal
3) When you have Oil in your bags and are in and instance or bg but oil is not applied to your weapon the button appears with a glowing border
4) When Brilliant Wizard Oil is applied to your weapon, regardless of location, the button shows as 80% transparent (can change to 100% see Custom Options)
You can customize the size of the icon to better fit your UI under:
WeakAuras > Royalt's Multistatus Wizard Oil > Display > Icon Settings > change "Width" and "Height" to your liking.
If you prefer to have the icon disappear instead of just become transparent when Brilliant Wizard Oil is applied to your weapon:
WeakAuras > Royalt's Multistatus Wizard Oil > Conditions > Condition 3 > set Alpha to 0.