


Classic Weapon Procc Sensitive Swing Timers

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-12 10:57:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Intended for enhancement shamans/retribution paladins, who want to maximize Nightfall/Sulfuras weapon proccs. However, it is also usable as hunter, rogue or warrior (e.g. when wielding Deathbringer/Nightfall) as long as your weapon swings slower than 1.5 seconds (plus an additional reasonable time frame to cast your ability) and your weapon effect is affected by this.

At the moment you can not procc some weapon effects (e.g. Nightfall) with white hits when you strike during an active global cooldown triggered by most abilities (at least for shamans).
This weapon swing timer tells you, when you may cast spells and when casting will block your weapon procc.


  • Do cast when the bar is green
  • Avoid casting when the bar is red (last 1.5 seconds before the swing).

This applies to totems and shocks, so sync your totem twisting to your weapon swings and get >20% Nightfall uptime.


  • Not all weapon proccs are affacted by this, but Nightfall, Sulfuras and Deathbringer definitely are. Bone Reavers Edge seems to be unaffacted by this.
  • This plugin is based off "Fury Swing Timers" from user "apa Fistus".
  • Also, big thanks to the guys finding out about this bug. Check out discord channel "Classic WoW Armaments". https://discord.gg/Wpretm
  • Bluepost abouth the issue: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/proc-weapons-and-the-gcd/592642
  • Paladins shoud use https://wago.io/LszBpeOJw which accounts for Seals
  • Rogues may set the GCD condition to 1 second

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