WA发布 发表于 2023-6-12 10:55:01

Classic Frost Mage - BottomCDs (1/5)

Cooldown Tracker for frost mage. Easy to add/change icons.

The cooldowns this bar tracks includes:
Cone of cold
Will of the Forsaken
Fire ward
Frost ward
Mana shield

The final pictured version of this weakaura uses the Masque skin called "ElvUIEsque".
Masque can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque
ElvUIEsque can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masqueelvuiesqueskin

Works best with the full set(4 pieces):

Individual links to each section:
Bottom Cooldown Bar (1/4)
Top Cooldown Bar (2/4)
Resource Bar (3/4)
Target Status Tracker(4/4)
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